
玛丽娜Rakhilin. 礼貌的照片.

玛丽娜Rakhilin是一名学生 兼职硕士课程 at the 电子游戏软件社会工作学院, has helped 制定一个在线培训计划 to improve the mental health of transgender youth. Rakhilin重新设计了网站 电子游戏软件电子游戏正规平台生生活办公室 特别注重包容性. Rakhilin曾担任 光谱bssw的LGBTQ+学生团体.

现在罗希林被授予 Ever to Excel奖 来自学生事务处, which recognizes 17 members of the BC community every year for excellence in leadership 和服务 at the University. 

In particular, Rakhilin has received the Ann Forest Morgan, Ed.D. 电子游戏正规平台生奖, which goes to the “graduate student leader who demonstrated a commitment to the graduate student community and student experience through leadership, 创新, 和服务.” 

“I think I’ve been in a lot of places where I could make change,拉希林说, a 心理健康方向的宏观学生 who was recognized at the 45th Annual Ever to Excel奖s Ceremony on Monday night at the Yawkey Center, “and so I really couldn’t help trying to do something that would.”

作为一个恰当的例子, Rakhilin made page navigation more intuitive on the website for the Office of Graduate Student Life and increased its color contrast to help those with low vision. Rakhilin, who served as the graphic designer and communication strategist for the Office from September 2020 to May 2022, 还负责管理社交媒体账户, 撰写每周时事通讯, and helped fellow graduate students secure resources and set up events.

“We’re going to make your dreams and your events happen,拉基林回忆说, “and that’s going to set up your success for your career.”

作为电子游戏正规平台协调员 确认实验室, Rakhilin is managing the development of a virtual training program to teach a group of therapists how to provide gender-affirming care to their young clients. One of Rakhilin’s primary responsibilities at the lab, which conducts research to improve therapy for stigmatized youth, is centered on running focus groups with transgender kids, 他们的照顾者, and mental health experts to get input on the curriculum.

“We have these groups that have a lot of trust and altogether they decided with us what the training was going to be,拉希林说, 谁用they/them代词. “有上百万种培训, but we want to make one that serves what people actually want to hear instead of what researchers think this training should be.”

美极的价格, 助理教授, 肯定实验室的负责人是谁, described Rakhilin as the “heart” of her research team, a “role model” for the undergraduates on her staff, 也是“社会公正工作”的坚定倡导者.”


玛丽娜Rakhilin, center, at a Pride Day picnic organized by 光谱. 摄影:Lee Pellegrini, BC摄影.

“他们沉着地领导着我们的球队, 专业, and an unflinching dedication to ethically just management and research,” Price wrote in a letter nominating Rakhilin for the 电子游戏正规平台生奖. “Not only do they inspire our more junior team members to be more ethical and thoughtful researchers, 但他们也强迫我这么做. I truly believe that I have become a better leader and researcher through my growth-enhancing interactions with Marina.”

尽管Rakhilin准备在五月毕业, they have not stopped working to support LGBTQ+ students and allies. As a co-leader of 光谱, Rakhilin recently helped bring a social justice organization called 网络/La Red to campus to host a two-session workshop on partner abuse in LGBTQ+ communities.

While they acknowledged BCSSW’s popular course Working with LGBTQ Youth, 家庭, 和成人, they said that students are eager to learn even more about serving LGBTQ clients. “The School of Social Work has a wonderful elective on how to serve LGBT people, but it’s a topic a lot of people want to learn about,” Rakhilin said in reference to 光谱’s decision to partner with TNLR. “So let’s give people the resources they need to serve all of our clients.”

卡尔Halvorsen, 助理教授, 谁认识罗希林近两年了, said Rakhilin often shared resources and tips for navigating BC programs in his virtual advising pod and Basic Skills in Macro Practice course. 拉基林经常给他的学生讲关于乐趣的事, 即将来临的事件, including a graduate student trip to an apple orchard. 

“我真的很喜欢和玛丽娜一起上课, 因为他们非常投入, 重要的是, brought outside resources into the classroom to share with other students, 为每个人创造更丰富的体验,霍尔沃森说.

Rakhilin’s advice to incoming MSW students befits a leader who strove to help their peers make the most of graduate life. “资源比你想象的要多得多. There’s so many more people who want to help you than you know. 所以继续问问题吧,”拉基林说. “It really doesn’t matter who the person is—the School of Social Work attracts some amazing people, 所以跟他们谈谈.” 

Rakhilin plans to continue working at the 确认实验室 after graduating, helping to design an online program to train school staff to support transgender youth. In fact, the 确认实验室 will be Rakhilin’s first official client as the founder of 访问设计, a consulting firm dedicated to building socially just online interventions that reduce health inequities.

Rakhilin said the ultimate goal of the firm is to use design to increase access to evidence-based healthcare, with a particular focus on building collaborations between designers and researchers to improve the well-being of individuals and communities. 作为一个有电子游戏正规平台意识的设计师, Rakhilin知道如何收集数据, 创建的干预措施, and express that information in an appealing visual format.

“I’m looking to help researchers and designers talk and design interventions,” Rakhilin said. “Right now a lot of social workers don’t know how to make interventions, but they know the psychosocial aspects that have to be in it. 设计师不知道如何收集数据. So I’m just excited to make interventions with people if they’re excited to work with me.”