贝丝钱德勒, in a tan blazer, speaks into a microphone

在一个Q里&在她的演讲之后, 贝丝·钱德勒窥见了DEI的未来, expanded on her work to make organizations more inclusive, 并透露了谁给了她最大的启发. Tony Rinaldo摄.

电子游戏正规平台 shows that companies that prioritize diversity, 股本, 和包容 表现得更好 比他们的竞争对手. 他们赚更多的钱. 他们更具创新性. They’re better able to attract and retain talent.

And yet the future of DEI initiatives in the workplace remains unclear, 尤其是在最高法院之后 击杀 有种族意识的平权行动计划于6月在大学实施,13名总检察长跟进了这一裁决 警告 Fortune 100 companies against using race as a factor in employment practices in July.

“说实话, there are some days when I don’t feel particularly optimistic about diversity, 股本, 和包容,” 贝丝钱德勒的总裁兼首席执行官 YW波士顿, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing 股本 for the past 150 years. “然而,”她补充说,“在那些令人厌倦和悲观的日子里,那些时刻永远不会让位于绝望. 我仍然坚定地相信我们会取得胜利,因为我最终相信人类. I believe that with a little courage, people will do the right thing.”

As the keynote speaker at 电子游戏软件社会工作学院’s annual 公平、正义和包容 Lecture and Distinguished 校友 Award Celebration 上周在加森大厅, 钱德勒提供了六个例子,说明日常的勇气行为如何促进了公平,同时引起了全国对重要社会问题的关注, 改进商业实践, and helping people reach their full potential.

她带了80多名学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 还有2004年的朋友, 当时马萨诸塞州参议员. 玛丽安·沃尔什(Marian Walsh)对一项修正案投了反对票,该修正案将婚姻定义为英联邦的一男一女.

小萨姆·布拉德利. 贝丝·钱德勒回答了一个Q&A

小塞缪尔·布拉德利助理教授. asked Chandler how she knows when an organization is truly committed to DEI. Tony Rinaldo摄.

沃尔什因为拒绝推翻马萨诸塞州最高法院2003年关于该州禁止同性婚姻违宪的裁决而收到了仇恨邮件和死亡威胁, but she won re-election twice over challengers who opposed gay marriage.

“It could have cost her her job,” 钱德勒说. “Yet she made the decision to do the right thing, 道德方面, even though she knew that that could mean that she would probably not be re-elected.”

钱德勒在波士顿YW的工作包括帮助组织实现更具包容性的环境,让每个人——尤其是女性和有色人种——都能取得成功. 在她的演讲中, 她讲述了一个关于一个组织的轶事,在那里,几名有色人种女性说她们被剥夺了参与大型项目的机会. 而不是忽略它们, 领导团队查看了数据, 证实了他们的说法, 然后修改了公司选择项目团队的流程,使其更加公平.

In the past, managers selected who worked on high-profile projects. Under the new process, a dedicated group of employees picked project members. The revised approach exposed junior 工作人员 to project managers, 钱德勒说, and enabled project managers to see the strengths of all 工作人员 members. 

“组织里的每个人都受益,因为一群黑人女性有勇气说出来,”她说。. “这些女性表现出了道德勇气,她补充道。, referring to their decision to stand up for an injustice, 领导层表现出了智力上的勇气,因为他们愿意在新知识的基础上挑战旧的假设.”


In a moment that brought whoops from the crowd, Scune卡灵顿, 垃圾的09年, 为“You Gotta Be”唱副歌,R&英国歌手Des 'ree的B级热门歌曲. Tony Rinaldo摄.

钱德勒讲述了她生命中一些人的故事,他们的勇敢行为使看似不可能的事情成为可能. 当她上四年级的时候, 例如, the orthodontist in her small shoreline town of Branford, 康涅狄格, 告诉她,如果她能召集10名球员,他将赞助一支女子篮球队参加一场特别锦标赛. 

钱德勒派出了一支队伍, 正畸医生遵守了他的诺言, and many of the girls on the squad went on to play Division 1 college basketball. 在1985-86赛季和1987-88赛季,她带领哈佛大学两次获得常春藤联盟冠军,后来在萨尔茨堡打了两个赛季的职业篮球, 奥地利. 

“这是一个没有什么可获得的人. 他没有女儿. 他是镇上唯一的正畸医生,所以他会失去很多东西——钱和名誉. And he could be embarrassed because who knows how he would be,” 钱德勒说. 然而,他愿意支持镇上的10个年轻女孩实现她们参加比赛的梦想. His courage led to collegiate success that may not have happened otherwise.” 

在她演讲结束时, Chandler challenged attendees to harness the power of courage to create a more just, 公平的社会. “你是否准备好表现出每天的勇气,让别人也有信心这样做??她问. “正如你从我的例子中看到的, small acts of everyday courage by ordinary people can lead to powerful, 公平的结果. 如果你仍然忠于你的DEI价值观,并承诺每天做一件勇敢的小事, we will achieve the equitable community and world for which we aspire.”

An attendee in a striped sweater asks a question.

80多名学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 朋友们也参加了这次活动, 是在加森大厅举行的吗. Tony Rinaldo摄.

在一个Q里&在她的演讲之后, 钱德勒窥见了DEI的未来, expanded on her work to make organizations more inclusive, 并透露了谁给了她最大的启发.    


“I don’t know what it will look like in five years or 10 years, 但我知道它看起来会不一样,钱德勒说。. “语言的变化, and so it will be interesting to see what the language is even five years from now.” 

小塞缪尔·布拉德利., an assistant professor who moderated the Q&A, 预测组织将开始更多地依赖数据来做出与DEI计划相关的决策.  

“我们看到组织内部有更多的公平审计,我们看到了更多的措施,布拉德利说, 谁监管BCSSW 公平、正义和包容委员会. “I think we’ll see a much more data-driven approach to the work, 我觉得这很好,我很兴奋.”

一名学生 Lynch School of Education and Human Development 我想知道钱德勒是如何与组织中抗拒变革的人建立联系的. 

作为她回答的一部分, 钱德勒说,向人们展示一个更包容的环境如何改善他们的生活是很重要的. “What’s the story you’re telling folks for why they should make this change?”她说。. “这对他们有什么好处?? How are they going to benefit from this change?”

布拉德利问了钱德勒几个问题, one of which was how she knows when an organization is truly committed to DEI. 

钱德勒列举了五个标志,表明一个组织致力于使其工作场所更具包容性, 包括领导层的支持, 明白改变需要时间, and a commitment to allocating resources for the work. 

布拉德利关闭了Q&A by asking Chandler what keeps her motivated. 

钱德勒指着她的两个孩子, 和她一起住在罗斯林代尔的人, a residential neighborhood on the southwest end of Boston. “我希望他们能够在波士顿获得机会,而不是由他们的种族决定, 按性别划分, 通过他们如何识别,”她说。. “我每天都在思考如何为我的孩子们把波士顿变成一个更好的地方.”

从左至右:高塔姆. Yadama, Susan Tohn, Scune卡灵顿, and Susan Coleman

迪恩·高塔姆·N. 亚达玛和Scune卡灵顿与前教授苏珊·约翰和现场教育助理院长苏珊·科尔曼合影, who nominated Carrington for the 2024 Distinguished 校友 Award. Tony Rinaldo摄.

Q之后&A, BCSSW表彰了两位校友对社会工作领域的杰出贡献. The School celebrates two graduates at the event every year, 一个奖项授予10年前或以上获得城市垃圾或博士学位的校友,另一个奖项授予5至10年前获得高级学位的校友.

Scune卡灵顿, 垃圾的09年, director of integrated care at the Massachusetts League of 社区 Health Centers获颁杰出校友奖. 

她说,BC塑造了她的职业精神, noting that she discovered her true purpose while on campus in fall 2006. 

“我参加了一次信息面试,这激发了我的好奇心,并促使我攻读社会工作学位,卡灵顿说, who now oversees initiatives focused on oral health, 行为健康, and integrated care at 52 health centers across the state. “BC gave me all of the resources that I needed to succeed.”

卡灵顿演唱了副歌《电子游戏软件》(You Gotta Be),这在人群中引起了一阵嘘声&英国歌手Des 'ree的B级热门歌曲.

这首歌 《电子游戏正规平台》 被描述为“关于自信的积极力量的具有感染力的阳光曲调”,” inspired Carrington to give advice to attendees.  

“Be bad by asking questions,”她说。, invoking lyrics from the song. “大胆去竞选那个职位吧. 要有勇气——参加那些让你害怕的课程,要求加薪,申请那份工作. Be wise to ask for help because there’s a lot of work that needs to be done.”

梁佩娴, 博士的17, 高级电子游戏正规平台总监, 评价, 和联合国儿童基金会美国电子游戏正规平台伙伴关系, received the Distinguished Recent 校友 Award. 

梁安琪通过讲述她与8岁女儿的一次例行对话,分享了她的工作哲学, who is trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. 

“I often tell her, ‘Don’t focus on what you want to be. Focus on what you want to fix,’”她说。 in a video recorded before the event. “一旦你弄清楚你想要在这个世界上修复什么,其他的事情就会水到渠成.”

梁说,不列颠哥伦比亚省的社会工作博士课程给了她解决她想要解决的问题的技能:弥合电子游戏正规平台和政策之间的差距,以支持儿童的健康和福祉. 正是在呼啸山庄,她发展出了技术敏锐度,将电子游戏正规平台作为一种工具,创建了为儿童服务的系统,众所周知的部分开始到位, 她在美国联合国儿童基金会的工作达到了顶峰.

“在BCSSW, I was privileged to work with brilliant scholars in child policy, 孩子练习, 和分析,梁静茹说, 他最近 发达 a UNICEF USA postdoctoral research fellowship program in partnership with the School. “My doctoral chair guided me through the big picture questions around child policies, 政策如何直接与实践联系在一起, and how to evaluate the impacts of policies and practices on children. 我的委员, 夏天霍金斯, 促使我探索统计分析,更好地理解数据能告诉我们的故事. 当我从BCSSW毕业的时候, I had a clear view of the problem that I wanted to spend my career fixing.”