LLM Program

Law Is Global. So Is Our Reach.

We provide a rigorous education by renowned faculty at a top U.S. 大学在友好和支持的环境中提供个性化的指导和指导.


Why BC Law?

Academic Excellence

BC法律排名很高,以其教师,学生和课程的质量而闻名. We prepare lawyers for practice in a global environment, 我们的教师由学者和从业人员组成,了解最新的法律和商业发展.


Customized Program

Our LLM students enjoy the best of both worlds. 他们可以根据自己的兴趣定制课程,从一系列课程中进行选择,并专注于以下五个领域之一:人权和国际法, business law, environmental law, intellectual property law, and tax. As a BC Law LLM student, 你将对全球法律的发展和应用产生重大影响.



Our LLM Program promotes true immersion, 给你一个真正的美国法学院的经验,与JD学生作为你的同事和同学. Your courses are taught by full-time faculty.


Individualized Mentoring

我们的法学硕士课程的规模使我们能够为我们的学生提供个性化的关注. 法学硕士学生将与他们感兴趣的领域的全职教师导师和JD“伙伴”配对. 法学硕士团队全年每周开会,就学术和职业战略提供建议.


Supportive Community

Our celebrated culture of collaboration, inspiration, 鼓励可以建立国际专业网络和持久的个人关系. More than 10,000 BC Law alumni and 120,000 Boston College alumni are on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other platforms.



BC Law invites internationally renowned professors, business leaders, judges, 检察官定期到校园与学生见面,讨论全球法律问题.


Career Resources

LLM students have access to BC Law's extensive Career Services Office programming, career counselors, and network.

Dean Odette Lienau (center) with LLM students and Director Vik Kanwar.


Business & Commercial Law
Our faculty include leaders in the fields of business and commercial law. Professor Kent Greenfield is among the pioneers in the so-called stakeholder school of corporate law, and his most recent publication, in a long list, argues that Corporations are People Too (And They Should Act Like It) for Yale University Press. His research crosses both constitutional law and corporations law. Professor Frank Garcia is an international trade and investment law scholar, 并且对这些法律领域的本质做了一些基础性的电子游戏正规平台, most recently in Consent and Trade: Trading Freely in a Global Market (2018) with Cambridge University Press. Professor Brian Quinn is co-author of a leading M&A casebook, Mergers & Acquisitions: Law, Theory and Practice (West),以及其他有关公司治理和合并的法律发展的博客 & acquisitions at the M&A Law Prof Blog. Finally, Professor Natalya Shnitser is a leader in retirement security and the regulation of financial intermediaries.

Environmental Law
International law scholar David Wirth, one of 13 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Alumni Ambassadors, headlines our faculty in this area. Professor Wirth’s 在从事国际环境法工作二十多年的同时,他还在气候变化领域开展了广泛的工作. In addition, the BC Law Land & Environmental Law Program is a multi-dimensional program for JD and LLM students, designed both to train professionals and encourage service in law, policies and doctrines that work for the sustainability of land, air, and water resources. 

Human Rights
我们的跨学科人权与国际司法中心,由 Daniel Kanstroom—together with a range of courses in our concentration in human rights law, 旨在培养能够解决全球化和不平等问题的新一代人权学者和实践者, and other pressing contemporary issues. Professor Kanstroom’s work in immigration law includes several extensive monographs, including Aftermath: Deportation Law and the New American Diaspora (Oxford University Press 2012) and Deportation Nation: Outsiders in American History (Harvard University Press 2007). Professor Katharine Young她也是负责学院和全球项目的副院长,她正在进行一项屡获殊荣的电子游戏正规平台, Constituting Economic and Social Rights (Oxford University Press, 2012), which examines the constitutional or international human rights to health care, housing, education and social security. She has also published on women’s rights, including her co-edited collection, The Public Law of Gender (Cambridge University Press, 2016). The law school’s human rights courses include a Human Rights Practicum offered by Professor Daniela Urosa that addresses the Inter-American human rights system, and the interdisciplinary human rights seminar, a university-wide seminar.

Intellectual Property
Our exciting concentration covers topics in copyright, trademark, and patent law, and incorporates electives in antitrust law, cyber law, and technology licensing. Our faculty includes Professor Alfred Chueh-Chin Yen, who directs our program on Emerging Enterprises and Business Law. With Professor Liu, he has authored Copyright: Essential Cases and Materials, West Publishing in 2008. Professor Joseph Liu 他的工作重点是数字技术对版权法和市场的影响. Finally, patent law and antitrust law scholar Professor David Olson 检查法律的不确定性在最近的专利法和行为者的专利组合的市场行为. He is former founder and Faculty Director for the Program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

美国一些最有影响力的税法学者为学生提供了美国和国际税收概念的重要基础 Diane Ring, who served as our law school’s Interim Dean from 2021-January 2023. Her work examines cross-border tax arbitrage and international tax relations, 她还担任了联合国2014年发展中国家税基保护项目的顾问, and the U.N.'s 2013 project on treaty administration for developing countries. 她也是美国律师协会税务教学委员会副主席. Professor James Repetti is the author of groundbreaking tax equity work, including leader and contributor to numerous treatises, including Comparative Income Taxation: A Structural Analysis. 

Other Course Options
电子游戏软件的拉帕波特法律和公共政策中心关系密切, the Clough Center for Constitutional Democracy, and other collaborations, the LLM program has developed significant strengths in constitutional law, including comparative constitutional law, gender and family law, international law, and legal history. LLM学生也可以交叉注册电子游戏软件其他电子游戏正规平台生院和大学院系的课程.


Degree Requirements

学生必须在学年完成至少24个学分,包括我们的“美国法律制度”课程, and for those students with law degrees from outside the US, the 'Legal Research and Writing for LLM Students' course.


  • Complete the course Legal Research and Writing for LLM Students;
  • 写出一篇符合学校对JD学生的高级写作要求的文章. 这可以与我们的定期研讨会之一一起完成,也可以在教师的监督下独立撰写(两到三个学分).
As part of my welcome to the LLM class of 2024, I wish to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of our LLM class of 2023, who, alongside our graduating and ongoing JD class, proved the resilience and necessity of global legal education.
Katharine Young, Associate Dean for Faculty and Global Programs; Professor of Law and Dean's Distinguished Scholar

Meet Our Community

Our LLM community is diverse—in backgrounds, interests, and experiences. Discover what BC Law LLM alumni are like, where they work, and what they experienced, on campus and beyond. Our LLM graduates join a large alumni network of both BC law graduates in general, and BC LLM graduates in particular.

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BC Law: Impact Blog
Facing Cable Cord-Cutting, Cities Fight to Tax Broadband  Link to article
这篇客座文章由BC大学法学教授兼教务处副院长Daniel Lyons首次发表在aeiideas博客上. Broadband has been a bright spot in America’s grim ...
June 17, 2024
BC Law Impact Guest Posts
It’s a Bad Idea, Right? F– It, It’s Fine.  Link to article
This guest post by BC Law Professor Brian Quinn first appeared in the M&A Law Prof Blog. Hi. Back again. I’ve generally taken a hiatus from blogging, but felt it imp...
June 10, 2024
BC Law Impact Guest Posts
New York Tests FCC’s “No Rate Regulation” Pledge  Link to article
这篇客座文章由BC大学法学教授兼教务处副院长Daniel Lyons首次发表在aeiideas博客上. Reclassification opponents have long warned that ne...
May 30, 2024
BC Law Impact Guest Posts

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