Our Vision

The Center for Student Wellness cultivates an environment where students are able to meet their health needs, define wellness for themselves, to listen to and honor their bodies, minds, and souls, and to create a balanced and sustainable life.

Read the Student Affairs Health and Wellness Strategic Plan

Our Mission

In the Center for Student Wellness, we take a holistic and inclusive approach to health. We believe wellness is an ongoing and personal journey, cultivated and sustained by a sense of belonging in the larger community.

Diversity Statement

As we strive to build a culture of well-being at Boston College, we acknowledge our responsibility to create spaces where all identities are welcome and valued. We aim to keep this commitment at the forefront through engaging with and learning from diverse perspectives with the goal of providing every student the opportunity to forge their own pathway to wellness.


Contact Us

Center for Student Wellness
Gasson Hall, Suite 025

Submit questions or comments using our Contact Form. Sign up for our listserv to receive news about events related to health and wellness on campus.


Academic Year: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Summer: Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Logo for Health Hub

Stop by the Health Hub!

Health Hub is a new space in the basement of Gasson (outside of 013) to study and relax. This space features bean bag chairs, lap desks, coloring pages, stress balls, and feel good quotes. Come check us out!